Why train with us?

Flight Level Training preparation courses accurately expose you to what you will experience when it comes to the actual writing of your exam and the real world of flying. Our preparation courses efficiently go through the material that you need to know to get the results you want. With Flight Level Training we'll guide you to pass your exam, and get the job.

The top 3 reasons why most people struggle with pilot exams

  • Lack of preparation time

    Balancing all that life has to offer can leave one feeling that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. FLT helps with that by giving you all the information you need at your fingertips.

  • Overwhelmed with information

    With so many subjects and material, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Our systematic and logical program walks you through everything you need to succeed!

  • Confusion on where to focus

    Our exam prep courses are designed with subject mastery. Our extensive database appropriately connects theory with reality.

Give yourself an edge.

When it comes to landing the job you want, authentic and current preparation with a proven system to deliver why you are the person for the job is essential

  • Prepare for the right questions

  • Learn how to deliver your "weaknesses" as strengths

  • Example scenario videos that give context to complex questions

  • Demonstrate through conversation your critical thinking ability

  • Gain competitive advantage

  • Learn how the pilot's role fits in the industry as a whole

What our courses offer

These are just some of the benefits contained within our industry leading courses.

  • Resume & Cover letter templates

  • Example Questions & Answers

  • Hundreds of practice questions in each section

  • Example Practical Scenarios

  • Downloadable Materials

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We prepare you for your interview. The right way.

Clients who trust FLT to deliver their training needs

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See how we prep you to pass your exams

Optimized for your needs

Available 24 hours a day 365 days a year from any computer, tablet, or mobile device ensuring you can prepare on your time and your schedule.